Thursday, July 24, 2014

Welcome to my blog!  First time trying one out.  Summer is flying by.  In one month tomorrow, it will be the first day of school!  I am excited about a few projects I have lined up for my students.

First, I joined a different postcard exchange for this upcoming school year.  Last year I was part of an exchange that was good, but not great, because not everyone participated.  It was disappointing to send out over 30 cards, and then not get more than 20 back.  Still, the kids enjoyed the experience and cheered every time we got a card.  This year, the organizer seems very good, and she says I am guaranteed to get 50 cards.  The cards won't be from all 50 states, but from 50 participants, because she lets everyone join her exchange.  This means there will be multiple states, but the idea of getting 50 cards sounds good to me. Let's hope!  Now I need to order my own 50 state postcards...    

Second, I lined up pen pals from another Catholic school in a different state.  I did not do pen pals last year, but I am really looking forward to the project.  It will help the kids practice their friendly letter skills, and exchange Social Studies information with another class, as well as information about our school and faith!

I have been adding several projects to my TeachersPayTeachers site, and will blog about those products in the not too distant future.